9 reasons for making the web accessible to everyone
- September 28, 2023
- 3 minutes

Digital accessibility is a hot topic at the moment. The buzz is getting louder and louder: the web must be accessible to everyone, including people with challenges. But why is digital accessibility so important? And above all: why is it important for your organization? We have listed 9 reasons for making the web accessible to everyone.
1. You don’t exclude anyone
The internet has become an essential part of our lives. We find information, go shopping and arrange important things. However, the internet is often a maze for people with challenges. On websites that are not accessible, they have trouble finding, reading and understanding the content. As a result, they sometimes cannot participate fully. By making your website accessible, you avoid excluding people.
2. The number of people with a challenge is much larger than you think
If you think the number of people with challenges is small, then you are wrong. More than 4.5 million Dutch people have difficulty reading and understanding websites. That is 25%! This includes not only blind and partially sighted people, but also people with dyslexia, motor challenges, immigrants, low-literate persons and an ever-increasing group of older people. In addition, everyone can also get a temporary limitation. For example, someone who has undergone cataract surgery may have equally poor vision and someone who breaks his wrist may have to temporarily mouse with the left. With an accessible website you help a lot of people.
3. The amount of older people is growing
The amount of elderly in the Netherlands is growing, they have a lot to spend on average and they are increasingly online. So this is a group to take into account. The internet is not always easy to use for them. They are often visually challenged and less likely to pick up new things. Organizations with inaccessible websites miss out on opportunities here. We also have a social responsibility towards this group. Digital exclusion lurks especially for elderly people who live alone, because they are less likely to ask for help from others.
4. It is good for your business
Chances are that a significant part of your target group also has a challenge. Is your website accessible? Then they will experience fewer barriers and are more likely to buy from you. Especially if the website of your competitor is not accessible. So you should treat making your website accessible more as an investment than as an expense. In the end, it can actually stimulate your sales.
5. It will save you customer service time
If people with challenges can easily use your website, they will be less likely to ask your customer service for help. Making your website accessible can therefore save you a lot of time. Especially if a large part of your target group now has trouble visiting your website.
6. Google is also happy with an accessible website
By optimizing your website for accessibility, you often kill two birds with one stone. The correct formatting of headings, the use of alt tags, a good structure of the code, clear navigation … all these optimizations also help search engines read and understand your content. This allows you to achieve higher rankings. Did you want to start with your SEO anyway? Then you can merge these projects nicely.
7. Your website will also be more user friendly for other visitors
Many improvements you make for people with challenges make it easier for people without challenges. They also benefit, for example, from good navigation options and text that can be easily enlarged. In addition, accessibility optimizations often make your website faster.
8. You’re obliged according to the law
As of September 23, 2020, the websites of government and semi-government agencies must comply with the guidelines of the WCAG 2.1. New websites already need to comply with these rules since September 2019. More stringent legislation on accessibility is also being introduced for commercial companies. So if you don’t do it for your users or for your own wallet, the government will eventually enforce it.
9. You strengthen your brand
Inclusivity and diversity are topics that are being talked about progressively and that people value increasingly. Many brands have already successfully responded to this. More and more often people with different body types, religions, skin colors, ages, sexuality and limitations are playing a role in marketing expressions. With an accessible website you can respond to this movement and strengthen your brand.
We hope that after reading this article you are also convinced of the importance of digital accessibility. Do you want to make your website more accessible? With Aally you can make your website usable for people with a challenge within a short time. We are happy to tell you more!